About The Physio Crew

The Physio Crew is the name of the company and Milan, who is based in Weston & Bristol took a franchise of this company.

Where: The Physio Crew - Weston

The Physio Crew Weston: Elisabeth House, 30-32 The Boulevard,, Weston-super-Mare, United Kingdom, BS23 1NF.

About Milan - Sports Therapist

Thank You / Appreciation Certificate

The Physio Crew - Supporting Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project

The Physio Crew, Weston are fundraising for 2 Defibrillator Cabinets, to enable 2 current defibrillators that are along the Boulevard, Weston-super-Mare that are currently inside business buildings. 

The Physio Crew, Weston Lead, Milan is working closely with the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project Team to enable this to be a success and to raise as much awareness as possible to enable defibrillators to be 24/7 Publicly Accessible within our local community!

A collection bucket is located within the clinic and if you would like to donate online, please feel free to do so. Milan is a well-skilled physio and is offering his high-top facilities to be used in sessions by members of the public for donation-led consultations, treatments, and assessments to enable this to be a success. 

Thank you for your support!

The Physio Crew - Weston: Defibrillator Support Photo Gallery

The Physio Crew - Weston: Defibrillator Support Video Gallery


3 Videos

Contact Milan - The Physio Crew Weston

 Please feel free to contact Milan via Email or using the Form below, in relation to both The Physio Crew and fundraising for Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project.