Josh Bell
Project Lead
Josh is a former Student Paramedic and Co-founded the project. Josh now works as a Customer Relations Advisor for Howards Motor Group, based at Peugeot Taunton.
Josh supports the day-to-day operations of the work and supports with the emails, operational status and project management, alongside the Senior Management Team.
To contact Josh, email:
Subject Title: FAO Josh Bell
Christina Chell
Deputy Project Lead - Sponsorship / Grants Representative & Education / Awareness Lead & Secretary
Christina is a Registered Nurse working for an Independent Health Provider (Somerset Surgical Services – SSS) based at Weston General Hospital and roles in the project includes being our Sponsorship & Grants Representative, looking at the available Grants /Sponsorship which may be available for the project and working with the Grants Manager from GWAAC.
Christina’s latest role is now supporting Education / Awareness which includes the day to day organising of our Training Sessions.
To contact Christina, email:
Subject Title: FAO Christina Chell
John Bell
Maintenance Contracting Lead
John is a Maintenance Technician at North Somerset Campus, University of Bristol and is the Maintenance Contracting Lead Volunteer for the project and his main role is to enable the easy organisation of our electricians to install our defibrillators on a voluntary basis.
To contact John, email:
Subject Title: FAO John Bell
Jay Isaac
Website / Social Media Lead
Jay is tasked with keeping our website and social medias up to date regularly and ensuring people are met with the information they need. He is a current student at Boom Satsuma and is studying Sports Media at a Level 3 Diploma which is key to his ongoing learning and development in our project.
To contact Jay, email:
Subject Title: FAO Jay Isaac
Liz Bell
Volunteering Lead
Liz (Josh’s Mum) is our Volunteering Lead and works very hard in supporting venues with organising various fundraising events alongside other members of the team.
Liz is the best person to contact when it comes to raffle prizes or auction items, so please contact Liz if you would like to find out more.
To contact Liz, email:
Subject Title: FAO Liz Bell
Peter Elston
Project Professional Photographer / Project Ideas
Peter has spent most of his working life being involved in Photography and other related work.
Peter undertakes the majority of our Professional Photography and relays and manages our internal and external project plans and maintains a ‘Helicopter view’ of all our ongoing work in relation the the day-to-day operations of the project alongside the Co-Leading Partners and Christina Chell as Project Secretary.
To contact Peter, email:
Subject Title: FAO Peter Elston