Donate For Defib W-s-M Project - Mission Statement

  • Our mission is to raise awareness of and install publicly accessible defibrillators within our local community of Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding areas.
  • To work with the local community to support with fundraising or sponsored events to enable more defibrillators to be located.
  • Aim to provide and install as many publicly accessible defibrillators as possible within the recommended  3-minute walk return from a cardiac arrest.
  • To also raise public awareness of the Chain of Survival, organising CPR and  use of defibrillator training sessions, ensuring that in the event of a person suffering a cardiac arrest, there will be a swift community response and by working together lives can be saved.

The Chain Of Survival

What Is A Defibrillator (BHF Official Video)

Defib Dani - Official Video - Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK)