Jake and Kirsty both work for Ashley Leahy Estate Agents, Weston-super-Mare and are great supporters of Donate For Defib WsM Project, raising vital funds and awareness for life-saving defibrillators to enable defibrillators to be publicly accessible at the time of someone experiencing a Cardiac Arrest to improve survival rates throughout our local community. Early call for help, CPR, and Defibrillation can increase someone’s chances of survival for up to 76% from 7% without it!
Undertaking the challenge of Bath Half Marathon on Sunday 16th March 2025!
More updates will be occurring on the Donate For Defib WsM Project Website and our Enthuse Page so if you would like to donate you can do this by donating via our Enthuse or if you would like to support further please email us at: donatefordefib.wsm@gmail.com

Fundraising Updates Along The Way

Update Written: 19/11/2024
Jake & Kirsty’s – Bath Half Marathon Fundraising from Ashley Leahy Estate Agents is going really well!
It’s not only the fundraising that has started off well, also the training!
The photo is taken from tonight’s training run!
More updates on training for the run will posted on our Social Media Sites, Website, and designated Enthuse Page!
With your help, vital funds and awareness for life-saving defibrillators can be made within our local community to enable defibrillators to be publicly accessible at the time of someone experiencing a Cardiac Arrest to improve survival rates throughout our local community.
Early call for help, CPR, and Defibrillation can increase someone’s chances of survival for up to 76% from 7% without it!

Update Written: 05/11/2024

With Jake & Kirsty’s – Bath Half Marathon Fundraising well under the way, we thought we would just give you an update so far!
Donations have already started coming in and a Fundraising Running Pack is being sent to both Kirsty & Jake from Great Western Air Ambulance Charity to prepare for the run ahead!
Updates on training for the run will posted on our Social Media Sites, Website, and designated Enthuse Page!

Press Releases - Involving Jake & Kirsty's Fundraising Story!

Headline "Ashley Leahy Agents to join Bath Half Marathon to help charity"

Weston Mercury Article:
Date Published: 1st November 2024

Click the link below to view the whole article:

Link: https://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/news/24693301.ashley-leahy-agents-join-bath-half-marathon-help-charity/

Contact Us To Find Out More!