Latest Defibrillator G5 / Cabinet Upgrade On Stickers & Accessibility

Updated: 24/11/2024
This morning both Josh (Project Lead) and Andy (Defib Liaison Lead) from Donate For Defib WsM Project, have been busy enabling more defibrillators to be more user friendly by introducing the following items:
  • Enabling stickers to be used, kindly donated by Simon from Defibs 4 Bristol showcasing the opening of the cabinets on which way to turn either anticlockwise or clockwise!
  • We have also added stickers on the G5 Defibrillators stating ‘Press To Open’. We have done this at both Revo Kitchen and Weston super Mare Golf Club (Clubhouse).
Hopefully these 2 new methods will enable more members of the public to feel more confident in the ability to access and use the life-saving defibrillators and will minimise risk of issues that could arise which the working functions and accessibility.
More defibrillator cabinets will be given this upgrade in the coming weeks, more stickers are currently on order so watch this space for more ongoing developments.
Thank you for your ongoing and continued support by all involved!

A Video Explaining The Development