Donate For Defib W-s-M Project - Official Flicker Account (Online Gallery)

An Award For Professor Graham Stuart - 08.02.2025

Professor Graham Stuart, Project Clinical Lead Ambassador for Donate For Defib WsM Project with his well deserved award, kindly created by Josh at JD3DP of a 3D Image heart that can be an interactive teaching aid!
Thank you! 😍

Defibrillator Conference Photos - Part 1 - 08.02.2025

Welcoming Cllr Joe Bambridge - Next Theme Digital Ltd.

Yesterday morning, we also had a great meeting with Joe Bambridge who is the Managing Director for Next Theme based in Weston-super-Mare at Revo Kitchen.
We are so pleased to have Joe’s support and to welcome him as our Website & Social Media Support Lead.
Next Theme is an award-winning company, both for digital support services and also for undertaking apprenticeships and work experiences for young people!
More information is coming from Joe and the team very soon, and the further advancements and Website developments.

Meet Up With Dan (GWAAC) & Surprise Photo With MP, Daniel Aldridge

Written: 07.02.2025
Some of our Senior Management Team met up with Dan at Revo Kitchen to discuss our further plans and ongoing developments!
We look forward to providing further information on our upcoming dates and details for the events we are listed in!
Whilst taking photos we had a surprise of our local MP for Weston-super-Mare, Daniel Aldridge MP, come to say hello who was also attending another meeting but kindly came and said hello and also have our photo taken!
Thank you to Andy, our Defib Liaision Lead, who also supports with Photography for taking the photos!
Always great to have the support of all in our local community!
Thank you for your continued efforts and support!
Written By: Dan From Great Western Air Ambulance Charity – 07.02.2025
🚁💚 What a fantastic morning yesterday with Donate For Defib WsM Project at Revo Kitchen! We had an amazing chat about exciting ways to raise awareness for lifesaving CPR and defibrillation at upcoming Great Western Air Ambulance Charity events. ⚡🙌
To top it off, we got a surprise visit from Weston’s very own MP, Daniel Aldridge MP! He popped by to say hello and even jumped in for a photo! 📸👏
Huge thanks to Donate for Defib WsM for your passion and continued support — we can’t wait for what’s next! 🚑🔥

Dunster Court, Winscombe - Defibrillator Launch - 04.02.2025

A huge thank you to Brian and all the residents at Dunster Court, Winscombe for all their ongoing support and we are so pleased that we have been able to support you in getting a Defibrillator at your place of residence!

Cadbury Fishery's Defibrillator Installed

Photo Credit (Written: 04.02.2025): 

Our latest Defibrillator Installation at the Cadbury Angling Fishery!
The amazing Stu, showcasing this! ❤️

Photoshoot - Framed Letter From King Charles III Outside Revo Kitchen

Photos & Video taken on 30.01.2025 outside Revo Kitchen with a framed letter from King Charles III.

Weston-super-Mare Golf Course - CPR / Defib Awareness Session - 22.01.2025

A CPR awareness session was held at WSM Golf Course Club House on Wednesday 22nd January 2025.

The Golf Course members had previously raised funds for two publicly accessible defibrillators, one at the clubhouse and one on the 7th tee.

Malcolm Bowen Clinical Support Ambassador ran the session supported by Christina Chell Deputy Project Lead.

8 members of staff from the Golf course attended the session which was a mixture of PowerPoint slides, questions and practical demonstrations

Thank you to the members of the Golf club who attended the session, we look forward to holding another session for further members shortly and also to Malcolm who held a very informative, interactive session.

If any venues have installed a publicly accessible defibrillator through the Donate for Defib W-s-M project or any venues that would like to hold a CPR awareness session Please contact the Donate for Defib W-s-M project team to discuss this Email:

Meet Up With Weston-super-Mare Street Pastors At Revo - 19/01/2025

Updated: 19/01/2025
It was lovely to catch up with Pete and Cath from Weston-super-Mare Street Pastors this morning at Revo Kitchen!
We have made a plan for ongoing developments to be undertaken with the Street Pastors having a list of all the Defibrillators via a QR Code for Thd Circuit so if one is needing to be used when on duty this can be activated quickly by them knowing the specific location!
To find out more about the fantastic work the Street Pastors do, please visit:…/
Look forward to also sharing your stories at our Defib Conference on Saturday 8th February!
Thank you to everyone for their contributions and support!

Defib For Roger, British Cars & Forecourts Group

We are delighted that the British Cars and Forecourts Group have now recieved a Mobile Defibrillator from us!
We were donated a defibrillator from Algeco, a local building company and the funds raised from the British Cars and Forecourts Group, ensured the new pads and batteries were Rescue-ready and now it’s placed in Roger the Rover for immediate use if needed.
A huge thank you to Algeco for donating their Defibrillator to us to ensure further lives can have another defibrillator in our local community!
A huge thank you to Steve and the team for all their efforts and support!
Look forward to working with you again soon and for presenting our new fundraising plans and adventures at our Defibrillator Conference on Saturday 8th February 2025 at Locking Castle Church!

Weston-super-Mare Chamber Of Commerce - Defib Launch - Westcott's W-s-M

On Thursday 16th January 2025, we were delighted to launch the Defibrillator at Westcotts Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers based in Weston-super-Mare.
The Weston-super-Mare Chamber of Commerce kindly donated the funds for the life-saving defibrillator and AMS Electrical – SouthWest as our Electrical Partners, installed this for us!
On Thursday, members from the Weston-super-Mare Chamber of Commerce joined us for a photoshoot, alongside the AMS Electrical – SouthWest Team and Donate For Defib WsM Project Team including, Malcolm, Josh, Maya & Lucy, and Peter. Peter kindly undertook the photos for us to capture this proud moment.
A plaque will be placed above the defibrillator in the next few weeks, to celebrate the fundraising efforts of the Weston-super-Mare Chamber of Commerce and a photo of this will also be published!
This is another defibrillator registered with the British Heart Foundation and The Circuit to be rescue-ready to save further lives!
We are currently in the process of arranging CPR / Defib Awareness Sessions through our work with Malcolm and M De C B Medical for the teams at Westcotts Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers and the Weston-super-Mare Chamber of Commerce! More information on this in due course!
Thank you to each and every person for their continued efforts and support!

Queen's Arms Bleadon - CPR / Defib Awareness Session - 16.01.2025

On Thursday 16th January 2025, we undertook a CPR / Defib Awareness Session for the staff and local community of the Queens Arms Bleadon!
The session was undertaken by Malcolm, Clinical Support Ambassador & M De C B Medical along with Josh, Project Lead for Donate For Defib WsM Project.
We had a great session with 13 individuals learning how to undertake life-saving CPR and using a life-saving defibrillator!
We are so proud that 13 more people have learned how to save a life!
Peter, our Corporate Lead Ambassador & Project Professional Photographer also joined us, and thank you to Peter for taking the photos along with speaking in relation to our ongoing developments, a huge effort by all involved!
More information on the Queens Arms Bleadon becoming a Resus Ready Organisation by the Resuscitation Council UK will be published very soon!

Video Session - Part 1

Video Session - Part 2

Brand New Promotional Video - Launched: January 2025

After many weeks and months of planning and filming and editing our Promotional Video with the kind sponsorship of Weathered Oak – Photography and Videography we are delighted to launch this today!
The video composes a highlighted account of the overview of Donate For Defib WsM Project which has formulated over the course of 2024 which includes our sponsors, supporters and our latest number of how many defibrillators installed.
We are so looking forward to what 2025 will bring us, along with many Conferences we are attending along with the publication of both our Impact Report and Statergic Management Plan for the next 6 years, which is currently being edited.
We would like to say a personal thanks to all participated and the kind support of Dan & Abbie from Weathered Oak – Photography and Videography along with our Senior Management Team who work behind the seens, including: Deputy Project Lead – Christina Chell, Peter Elston – Corporate Lead Ambassador, and the rest of our Clinical / Non-Clinical Team Members!

AMS Electrical - CPR & Defibrillator Awareness - 21/12/2024

On Saturday 21st December 2024, AMS Electrical – SouthWest our Electrical Partners learned the vital skills from Malcolm and Christina, Peter & Andy, M De C B Medical on Basic Life Support and the essential elements a defibrillator can bring to a patient experiencing a Cardiac Arrest.
AMS Electrical – SouthWest installs our defibrillators free of charge and as a sponsor for Donate For Defib WsM Project so it was great to ensure that all our electricians are now Rescue-Ready and have the key knowledge and skills to save lives.
A nomination to the Resuscitation Council UK has been made to enable AMS Electrical – SouthWest to be a Resus-Ready Organisation!
A video of the CPR / Defib Awareness Session was taken and will also be uploaded in due course.
To find out more about your organisation becoming Resus-Ready please visit:
To find out more about the work that AMS Electrical – SouthWest does, please visit:…/ams-electrical…/
Thank you all for your continued support and efforts, it’s always appreciated by all involved within each and every organisation Donate For Defib WsM Project is involved in.

Maya Awarded By Great Western Air Ambulance Charity At Revo

Further photos of Maya & Lucy from our Management Meeting at on Thursday!

GWAAC & Donate For Defib W-s-M Project - Christmas Catch Up - 19/12/2024

Some of the Donate For Defib WsM Project Team Members with their certificates from Great Western Air Ambulance Charity presented by Joe, at Revo Kitchen!
More certificates for further team members who couldn’t attend the meeting on Thursday 19th December 2024!
More to look forward to in the coming weeks and months! 😄👌

Award For Tich Williams - Weston-super-Mare Social Club

Update Written On: 12/12/2024

We would like to thank Tich, at Weston Super Mare Social Club for all his support and effort to Donate For Defib WsM Project.
Tich has gone above and beyond as a Steward in providing us a free meeting space for important Management Meetings, CPR / Defib Awareness Sessions in the function room.
He has also offered free services of refreshments at these sessions along with the space for when BBC Bristol came to interview us via the radio and also when BBC Points West came to film.
Tich also features in our promotional video, which Weathered Oak – Photography and Videography have created for us that will be published very soon!
Tich on this day, was nicknamed ‘Take One Tich’ for only needing to be interviewed once for promotional video when many of the team had to do multiple retakes 😊
The Weston-super-Mare Social Club has had one of our life-saving defibrillators for over a year now and this has been used a number of times!
A huge thank you to Tich and the members that has supported us and will continue to help out!

New Publicly Accessible Defibrillator at Specsavers - High Street - 08/12/2024

Written: 08/12/2024
The Donate For Defib WsM Project is pleased to announce a publicly accessible defibrillator has been installed at Specsavers Weston High Street, along with the support and installation from AMS Electrical – SouthWest.
Today Donate For Defib WsM Project undertook a Mini Launch for this!
The staff at Specsavers decided to raise funds for a publicly accessible defibrillator following an incident when a defibrillator was needed and the one at Boots was unavailable at that time.
A big thank you to the public for contributing to the fundraising target and also a big thank you to Tom Farrand for donating the remaining funds from his London Marathon event to help with the fundraising target.
Christina Chell Deputy Project Lead of the Donate for Defib project donated the remaining funds in memory of her friend and neighbor.
The Donate For Defib WsM Project is always asked: Are defibrillators needed?
Since the project started, many of the defibrillators have been taken to incidents as advised by Ambulance control and many have been used.
Nobody knows when they are going to suffer a cardiac arrest, it can happen to people of all ages and at any time usually without warning.
Every publicly accessible defibrillator that can be installed in our community can potentially save a life!
A special thanks to everyone who was involved and stopped and spoke to the Donate For Defib WsM Project team this morning in the High Street and Andy, Defib Liaison Lead for taking the photos!
To find out more, please visit

Thank You Certificate Given To Homemakers - 03/12/2024 - W-s-M Social Club

Written: 03/12/2024
We have given the volunteers a Thank You & Appreciation Certificate for being a ‘Proud Supporter’ after fundraising various amounts of money for life-saving defibrillators within our local community ❤️
Thank you to all involved 😊

Weston-super-Mare Rotary Christmas Fayre - We Are Super Centre - 09.11.24

Thank you to Rotary Weston-super-Mare for inviting us yesterday to their Christmas Fayre at the We Are Super Centre!

We had a great time, and lots of outreach was undertaken including the following:

– £30.00 in Merchandise
– 14 Aaron’s Hearts (Resuscitation Council UK) given out as FREE literature, available from:
– 5 More Followers via Donate For Defib WsM Project

Look forward to showcasing further events soon!

Supporting Defibs 4 Bristol - Icescape Tropicana - 07/11/2024

On Thursday 7th November we were invited and attended The Icescape Tropicana raising funds for Defibrillators for Bristol via Defibs 4 Bristol alongside our colleague and friend, Simon, Founder of Defibs 4 Bristol.

Had a great evening, the totals were that we raised £245.00 in the space of only just 1 hour with 49 skaters who came along to support!

Thank you all for your support!

Meet Up With 'The High Sherriff Of Somerset' - Revo Kitchen - 04/11/2024

This afternoon, Donate For Defib WsM Project was delighted to meet up with The High Sheriff of Somerset alongside our Electrical Partners – AMS Electrical – SouthWest.
We had a great afternoon meeting at Revo Kitchen updating Robert and his wife on the further developments we are currently working on and the ongoing support we are providing to our local community by raising further awareness of the Chain of Survival and life-saving defibrillator.
We awarded the High Sherriff of Somerset with a ‘Certificate of Thanks’, and we look forward to sharing more information via a post from Robert directly along with a video that was recorded during the meetup!
Thank you, everyone, for their continued efforts and support and we look forward to sharing further updates with you all very soon!

Greeting Cards - Launch - 31.10.2024

Greetings Card Update – 31.10.2024
Today we were at The Print Hive along with Ashley, Jake, and Kirsty from Ashley Leahy Estate Agents who sponsored the production and Deborah, a local artist who has kindly designated the Greeting Cards to raise further funds for life-saving defibrillators through Donate For Defib WsM Project.
We look forward to selling these in the next few weeks in the lead-up to the festive season. Our next event that will be on sale, is at the Rotary Weston-super-Mare Christmas Fayre on Saturday 9th November!
Thank you for everyone’s continued efforts and support!

Priory Community School Academy - Community Breakfast - 19/10/2024

* All photographs and videos taken during this event has been consented to be taken and shared on our Website and via our Social Media Platforms.

Restart A Heart 2024 - We Are Super Centre - 16/10/2024

Greeting Cards 2024 - Sponsorship & Support

We are delighted that we have the proud support of The Print Hive which today, has printed our Greeting Cards that has been kindly sponsored by Ashley Leahy Estate Agents and designed by a local artist, Deborah Lee, of Weston-super-Mare!

Charity Fishery Competition In Aid Of Donate For Defib W-s-M Project

Old Inn Hutton - Music Fundraiser - 11.10.2024

Locking Parklands Medical Centre - Defibrillator Launch - Donated By Tom's Run

On Thursday 10th October 2024, we launched our latest defibrillator installation with Tom, who ran the London Marathon raising funds for a life-saving defibrillator!

Lewis Sings - Walnut Tree Fundraiser - Saturday 28th September 2024

Lewis Sings Music Fundraiser at Walnut Tree, on Saturday 28th September 2024.

Ellie Elston - Italy Visit - Seeing Defibrillator Whilst On Tour

Thank you Ellie Elston Sings who has found a defibrillator all the way over in Italy whilst on tour who has shared this photo with us!
Great to see it’s a global life-saving intervention!

The Print Hive - Continuing To Support Donate For Defib W-s-M Project

British Cars & Forcourts Group - Sea Harrier Visit - Sunday 22nd September

On Sunday 22nd September the British Cars & Forcourts Group went to the Sea Harrier in Cheddar for a visit to support their group along with raising some funds for defibrillators!

It was well worth a visit as the aircraft was active in the Falklands war.

Great work everyone!

Presentation For: Bleadon Camera Club - Photograph Viewing (Calendar 2025)

On Tuesday evening Donate For Defib WsM Project met up with the team from Bleadon Photographic Group to view the photographs that have been taken for our 2025 Calendar, also being sponsored by many locations who have had photos taken along with the support of The Print Hive!
More information on this very soon!
We are approaching the final stages of the editing process before launching our 2025 Calendar!
Thank you for all your support!

Presentation With: Weston-super-Mare Civic Society - 09.09.2024

On Monday 9th September, the Donate For Defib WsM Project Team undertook a presentation to the Weston-super-Mare Civic Society at Weston Museum.
We were kindly invited to come along a few months, ago by Alan who supporting with organising the talk.
Josh (Project Lead) spoke on the Donate For Defib WsM Project and its ongoing developments, along with the Defibrillator Legacy Programme, kindly being sponsored by The Elms Funeral Directors.
The members at the Weston-super-Mare Civic Society were really engaging and asking lots of questions that was great to see, a particular interest in our sponsors, including Howards Motor Group, The Print Hive, Badlam Automotive along with our soon-to-be Online Merch Shop, supported by JD3DP, Mug Express, etc.
Peter (Corporate Lead Ambassador & Professional Photographer) spoke on corporate developments and sponsorship which was of interest. Christina (Deputy Project Lead) spoke on the fundraising elements of our project, relating to the Enthuse Pages, specific fundraising efforts by many, and more.
We then had a CPR / Defibrillator Awareness demonstration run by Sarah, one of Donate For Defib WsM Project‘s Paramedic Lead Ambassadors, and it was great to be able to raise further awareness of our work, alongside the Chain of Survival and members being aware of what to do in the event of a Cardiac Arrest, how to access the life-saving defibrillator and how to use the defibrillator, and many had a practice which was great!
Thank you all for the invite, we are going to create a dedicated page for Weston-super-Mare Civic Society on our Website, so please stay tuned for more details!

Professional Photoshoot For Work With M De C Medical

Professional Photoshoot For Work With M De C Medical

Photos Taken: 06.09.2024

First Aid Awareness M De C M Medical - Filming & Photos - We Are Super

Written On: 05.09.2024
A huge thank you to the We Are Super Hub in Weston who provided us with the space for an afternoon to enhance our project further by taking professional photos and videos to showcase our latest enhancement of CPR / Defibrillator Awareness with the work from M De C B Medical!
We look forward to sharing further information with you soon, along with some designated page videos for each page of the Website and further information relating to our upcoming campaign right here in Weston-super-Mare!

West Street Nutrition - Catch Up - 04.09.2024

Written On: 04.09.2024
It was great to meet up with Louise from West Street Nutrition Club who also supports us within our town of Weston-super-Mare!
Thank you for your continued support, and look forward to working with you all very soon!

Website Enhancement Meeting - Joe Bambridge - Next Theme

Written On: 04.09.2024

It was a privilege to meet up with Joe from Next Theme this afternoon, to update Joe on Donate For Defib WsM Project‘s progress and how we can enhance our Website.
Future plans, including an Online Merch Shop, will be available very soon along with a Video Introduction to each page!

The Print Hive - 2025 Calendar Planning

Written On: 04.09.2024
Some exciting news!
Our Donate For Defib WsM Project Annual Calendar is currently in its planning stage and we have been working really hard with The Print Hive & Bleadon Camera Club to make this a success!

Red Admiral Fundraiser - Saturday 24th August 2024

Fundraising Update: 25/08/2024
We had a great evening at The Red Admiral – Fundraising for a life-saving defibrillator yesterday evening.
Soon the defibrillator will be ordered and then later installed to make a difference within our community, please see all the photos from yesterday.
It was great to have everyone’s support and also for the team to meet new local supporters!
Photo Credits & Consent gained from all and Donate For Defib WsM Project.
Thank you for all your support!

W-s-M Golf Course - Lewis Sings - Music Fundraiser & Promotional Event - 16.08.2024

Mug Express - Maya Mugs & Coasters - Launched

HEMS - Proud Supporter - Airbase Visit - 14.08.2024

On Wednesday 14th August 2024, Donate For Defib W-s-M Project alongside the clinical and non-clinical teams at Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) invited their proud supporters including Josh & Sonia from JD3DP, members from Weston-super-Mare Rotary & BADLAM Travel & Transport to have a meet up, visit to the Airbase and a tour, and a chance for some professional photos.

The morning was a great success, and a special thanks to Lisa (GWAAC – Defib Coordinator), Operations Officer – Tim, Pilot Jim, and Specialist Paramedic in Critical Care Fleur for their support during the tour and the event!

The photos consist of a variety including the groups in the meeting room to open the tour, by Josh (Project Lead) giving an update on the project status, a tour of the Critical Care Base (Including Aircraft – GWAAC current aircraft having a service, so the leased Green & Red one was available), Clinical Training Room tour, Josh with a photo of when he was 11 years old which he found when he used to fundraise for GWAAC before undertaking the Defibrillator Project. 

Thank you for everyone’s support, for our other supporters and team members who were unable to attend, another event will be available very soon for another tour, details will be provided soon!

Donate For Defib W-s-M Project - Working With Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Charity (DSAAC)

Defibrillator Launch – 07/08/2024 – Orchard Park Farms (Georgia & Ollie, DSAAC)

Meeting With Mug Express - Monday 5th August 2024 - [W-s-M]

Dan Aldridge (W-s-M, MP), Labour - Defib Support Gallery

Josh (Project Lead) and Dan Aldridge & team whilst undertaking a leaflet walk around Uphill, Weston-super-Mare. 

Josh saw the Dan and team whilst driving past, so thought he would stop for a photo to raise further awareness of life-saving defibrillators, which enhances Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project’s ongoing mission statement and aims and key objectives!

Meeting With Dan, on Sunday 4th August 2024, to discuss our ongoing and further developments relating to Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project.

British Cars & Forecourts Group - Defibrillator Support Gallery

Cadbury Angling Visit - 26/07/2024 - Started Fundraising For Defib Cabinet!

Heartbeat Trust UK & GWAAC Meeting - At Revo: 24.07.2024

80's Charity Night - Music Fundraiser

Weston Mercury Meeting With Antonio - 20/06/2024 - We Are Super Building

Howards Motor Group

Photos taken from Thursday 13th June 2024, with CPR / Defibrillator Awareness

Part 1 – Morning Session (10:00am – 12:00pm)

Photos taken from Thursday 13th June 2024, with CPR / Defibrillator Awareness

Part 2 – Morning Session (14:00pm – 16:00pm)

Green Pastures Hamper Won By Lucy & Maya - May 2024!

Congratulations and a huge thank you to Green Pastures Vets as Maya our Defib Dog Mascot and her owner Lucy has won the winning hamper from last week at the Weston Rotary Dog Day run by Rotary Weston-super-Mare!

Lucy chose Number 11 and it was the winning number!

*Just to confirm this wasn’t a fix in any way and it was totally truthful and fair. Lucy was delighted when she got a phone call from the vets on Monday to be told that they had won!

Well done to all that entered and it was a great event so a huge thank you to everyone who took part and we look forward to being part of this again next year!

Thank you for all your continued efforts and support!


Windsor Castle - Fundraising Meeting & Somerset Paddies Refuel Event

The Physio Crew - Fundraising Event & Charity Meetings

Seeing Various Defibs In Weston-super-Mare - North Somerset Walk Event

Defib Launch At Revo - Weston-super-Mare Rotary

Celebrity Charity Football Match - Weston-super-Mare Football Club - 24/04/24

Tom’s Fundraising Marathon

The Big Worle Hub - Defib Launch - 30/03/2024

Donated Defibrillator Launch From BEESWIFT To North Somerset Council - Given To Community Response Team 18/03/2024

Aishah's Food Charity & Sophie's SUPER Litter Picking - Meet Up - 14.03.2024

The Donate For Defib WsM Project met with Aishah’s Food Charity! An incredible work they are doing to support the local community.
We also met with Pappadoms who are based on Milton Road who donate the food. It was lovely to meet all the team!
Sophie & Jules from Sophie’s SUPER Litter Picking was also in attendance and it was great to meet them!
We are hoping soon to undertake CPR / Defibrillator Awareness with all the volunteers and this then relates to defibrillators within our local community. Having volunteering groups such as Sophie’s SUPER Litter Picking & Aishah’s Food Charity know how to undertake CPR / Using a Defibrillator will potentially save lives and raise further awareness.
Please share further awareness and if you have a business and would like to work with us to install a defibrillator on your site, please get in touch!

CPR / Defib Training - The Nut Tree, Worle

Bleadon Camera Club - Presentation - 12/03/2024

Ashley Leahy Estate Agents - Meeting - 19/02/2024 - Fundraising Meeting

AMS Electrical Services (SW)

Project Team Meetings / Radio Interview - 24/01/2024