Defibrillator Information

The Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project is raising awareness of the need for publicly accessible defibrillators in Weston-super-Mare and is run by volunteers.

The cost of a Public Accessible Defibrillator Package from Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) that we proudly work in partnership with is £1,705 which includes a heated cabinet and defibrillator.

To find out more information relating to GWAAC’s Defibrillator Programme, please visit:

How You Can Support, Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project

Collection Tins

If your venue would like to help support the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project you can contact the Project Team and ask for a collection Tin via the Contact Us Form below. We can then order this through GWAAC and then deliver this to your location.

Undertaking A Fundraising Event

If you are interested in fundraising and organising an event for a publicly accessible defibrillator at your venue, please contact the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project Team and let us know.

So that your fundraising can be a success we can create an Enthuse Sub-Team Fundraising Page, and this can showcase your work in relation to photos, videos, and updates.

If your venue has already got a defibrillator but you want to support the project and arrange a fundraising event with all proceeds being donated to the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project please let us know.

If your venue has a defibrillator but it is not publicly accessible a cabinet can be bought the cost is
£600, please let the project team know if you want to organise a fundraising event to raise funds for a cabinet and an Enthuse Fundraising Page can be created and we can support you all the way.


If you would like to make a cash / bank transfer donation to the project, please look at the Donate For Defib Weston-super-Mare Project’s Enthuse and if you would like to make a donation we would be so grateful.

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Get in touch

If you would like to find out more information about our project or how you can help, please fill in the contact form below.

Please Note: We aim to reply to all enquires within 3 working days.

Tel: 07749036032

Based in Weston-super-Mare!